Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: (Matt 7:7)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Priesthood Blessings

D&C 127:8 -
For I am about to restore many things to the earth, pertaining to the priesthood, saith the Lord of Hosts.

D&C 132:45 -
For I have conferred upon you the keys and power of the priesthood, wherein I restore all things, and make known unto you all things in due time.

What a blessing it is to have the restored gospel on the earth today. What an amazing thing it is to know the fullness of the gospel. Along with the gospel being restored, so has the Lord's Priesthood been given back to man. This same Priesthood has not only blessed my life, but I have been an instrument in the Lord's hands to use it to bless others. What a miraculous gift the Priesthood is for these latter days.

A quick personal story. I had just gone through major surgery, and was admitted into the ICU unit of the hospital. The doctors had predicted I would be there for less then 24 hours, while I recovered. I was not showing any signs of improvement after being there for 3 days. The doctors were puzzled and so were my parents. My faithful mother called upon the men who held the Priesthood to come to the hospital and give me a "healing" blessing. All I remember is seeing three men (strangers) walk into the ICU room I was in late at night. They raised my bed, dabbed my head with concentrated oil, then layed their hands upon my head and proceeded to give me a blessing from my Heavenly Father. I do not recall the words given in the blessing, but I had faith that I would be healed. The next morning I woke up, and was able to eat solid food. Just a few hours later, I was taken out of the ICU and put into a regular hospital bed while I continued to heal. It was a true miracle! Doctors and science can not explain what happened during the night that allowed me to recover, but I know what happened, and my faith has been strengthened by it.

On a less serious note, but nothing short of a miracle, I was recently able to give my 3 week old baby a blessing. There was nothing life threatening, or in need of a medical miracle. She simply had not been sleeping well, and that caused concern for her mother and I. My wife had asked me to give a blessing to our daughter, and I jumped at the chance. I love being able to share this wonderful gift that Heavenly Father has entrusted to me. Since it was not a healing blessing, I was able to perform the ordinace by myself. I laid my hands on our baby's head, and gave her a blessing to sleep better through the night (as well as other things that came to me through the Holy Spirit). My wife informed me the following morning, while I was at work, that our daughter had indeed slept through the night and Heavenly Father truly blesses us and answers prayers. Because of my wife and I's faith, a miracle had happened.

The Priesthood is real, and is a gift from God. I strive daily to be worthy in His eyes to be an instrument in His hands to bless other's lives through the Priesthood.

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